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Faith Pavilion Schedule
UN-Habitat 12th World Urban Forum

WUF12 @ Cairo, Egypt

November 4 - 8, 2024

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Full Faith Pavilion schedule below

Background Paper for WUF12
Monday 4th​​

13:00 - 13:45

Pavilion Welcoming Session
Opening session to welcome participants to the Faith Pavilion.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities



Tuesday 5th

10:00 - 10:45

Unified Communities Panel
Event Description: A panel exploring how communities have demonstrated resilience and collaboration in fostering welfare and development in urban areas, particularly during and after periods of conflict.
Organizer Group: KDEC
Organizer Name: Eva Botros


11:00 - 11:45

Thriving Cities through Flourishing Workplaces
A workshop offering insights into creating flourishing cities starting with flourishing workplaces.
Organizer Group: Cities Project Global, Inc
Organizer Name: Dr. Robert C. Varney


12:00 - 12:45

WUF12 Faith Statement: Discussion
Discussion of the WUF12 Faith Statement.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities
Organizer Name: Dr. Dwight Friesen


13:00 - 13:45

Multi-faith Mindful Moment
A reflective session for multi-faith meditation and mindfulness.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities

14:00 - 14:45

SDG Cities: Overview
Overview of the SDG Cities program, discussing the sustainable development goals in urban contexts.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities
Organizer Name: Dr. Chris Elisara


15:00 - 15:45

Podcast Interview: Jonathan Reckford, CEO Habitat for Humanity International
A live podcast interview with Jonathan Reckford discussing Habitat for Humanity's role and impact.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities
Organizer Name: Dr. Chris Elisara


16:00 - 16:45

Meeting the Challenge of Informal Settlements
This session will explore the challenges of African urbanization, particularly informal settlements, and highlight how faith-based leaders in Cape Town are collaborating to co-create new urban futures.
Organizer Group: Resonate Global Mission
Organizer Name: Dr. Selena D. Headley



Wednesday 6th

10:00 - 10:45​

Faith Communities Engages WUF12 Themes Housing our Future and Cities and the Climate
Event Description: This event provides a broad overview of how multi-faith communities are working toward stability and security of their neighborhoods by providing housing solutions, contributing to safe and resilient urban environments.
Organizer Group: Hub for Urban Initiatives
Organizer Name: Grace R. Dyrness


​11:00 - 11:45​

Love Your City: How Faith Communities Catalyze, Collaborate, and Contribute for Resilient Cities
Event Description: This session explores how faith communities play a transformative role in building resilient cities through local actions, partnerships, and service.
Organizer Group: Love Your City
Organizer Name: Jacob Bloemberg


12:00 - 12:45

Faith Communities Provide Housing Solutions in their Neighborhoods
Event Description: This event presents multiple case examples of faith communities addressing the housing crisis. Participants can share insights from their own contexts.
Organizer Group: Hub for Urban Initiatives
Organizer Name: Grace R. Dyrness


13:00 - 13:45

Multi-faith Mindful Moment
Event Description: A reflective session for multi-faith meditation and mindfulness.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities


14:00 - 14:45

Sacred Convictions, Sustainable Cities: Solutions from Waco's S.C.R.A.P. Collective and Baylor University
Event Description: Presentation on the S.C.R.A.P. Collective's sustainability initiatives in Waco, highlighting public-private partnerships that address food waste, insecurity, and climate resilience.
Organizer Group: Baylor Ethics Initiative
Organizer Name: Paul Martens


15:00 - 15:45

Podcast Interview
Event Description: A podcast interview with Emani Kumar, Executive Director of ICLEI South Asia since 2005, and Deputy Secretary-General of ICLEI Global since 2013.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities
Organizer Name: Dr. Chris Elisara


16:00 - 16:45

Nairobi Urban Farming
Event Description: Presentation on setting up and managing an organic urban farm in Nairobi, showcasing climate-smart agriculture to support food security and resilience.
Organizer Group: PEER Team Kenya
Organizer Name: Duncan Olumbe



Thursday 7th

10:00 - 10:45

Faith Engages WUF12 Themes: The Loss of Home and Financing Localization and Localizing Finance
Event Description: A discussion on themes surrounding displacement and the loss of home.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities

11:00 - 11:45

Empowering Refugee Children Through Education
Event Description: This event focuses on the educational needs of refugee children, exploring trauma-informed resources, community involvement, and collaboration for empowerment.
Organizer Group: Expanse of Hope
Organizer Name: James Lyles


12:00 - 12:45

Event Description: This event will discuss the importance of unity and service, and how to foster these values in society.
Organizer Group: KDEC
Organizer Name: Dr. Nader Sameh Maurice


13:00 - 13:45

Multi-faith Mindful Moment
Event Description: A reflective session for multi-faith meditation and mindfulness.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities


14:00 - 14:45

SDG Cities: Data Discussion with Don Simmonds, CEO of CitiIQ
Event Description: A discussion on SDG Cities data insights and urban planning with Don Simmonds.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities
Organizer Name: Dr. Chris Elisara


15:00 - 15:45

Podcast Interview
Event Description: A podcast interview with a key urban development expert.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities
Organizer Name: Dr. Chris Elisara


16:00 - 16:45

Faith, Wholistic Health, Young People, and Urban Areas
Event Description: Highlights the challenges faced by young people in urban areas, focusing on how traditional faith and values can provide holistic health solutions.
Organizer Group: Moi University
Organizer Name: Prof. Emily J. Choge Kerama


Friday 8th

10:00 - 10:45

Faith Engages WUF12 Themes: Putting people first in a digital age and Stronger together.
Event Description: A discussion on themes surrounding people and collaboration
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities


11:00 - 11:45

Stewardship and Spirituality: Rethinking Creation Care for the City
Event Description: This event explores the relationship between stewardship, spirituality, and environmental care in cities, focusing on rethinking creation care practices.
Organizer Group: Fuller Theological Seminary
Organizer Name: William Dyrness


12:00 - 12:45

Interfaith Human Dignity: Stronger Together
Event Description: This event illustrates how various religious traditions uphold human dignity, demonstrating shared values for cooperation in building peaceful, resilient communities.
Organizer Group: Baylor University/ICLRS/KAICIID
Organizer Name: Paul Martens


13:00 - 14:00

Closing Event
Event Description: Final session to close out the Faith Pavilion program, reflecting on key learnings and future directions.
Organizer Group: Faith for Cities

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